Natural Soy Candles

Our Candles...

* are made with a natural soybean base, cotton core and coreless wicks, and complimented with premium botanical oils.

* never have additives such as paraffin, vybar or non-vegetable stearic acid.

* are hand-poured and wicked in small batches.

* use quality fragrance oils and are scented above the industry standard.

* burn longer.

* the fragrance oils last the entire life of the candle.

* burn clean, with little carbon build up.

* any soot deposits can be cleaned with soap and water.

* contain no pesticides * are biodegradable.

* are made ecologically, striving to use nothing but non-genetically modified soybeans.

* in case of a spill they clean up with soap and hot water.

* are environmentally friendly, promoting the growth and care of the environment by utilizing, a renewable resource.

* are poured into reusable and recyclable glass containers. Even most of our plastic packaging materials are corn based and biodegradable which reduces our carbon footprint.

We strive to reduce our carbon footprint by utilizing eco-friendly products, packaging and raw ingredients.