Homoeopathy is a system of medicine introduced by a German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann. The word "homoeo" means similar, "pathy" means suffering. The basic principle of homoeopathy is 'similia similibus curantur' meaning “likes are cured by likes”.
Homoeopathy treats the individual as a whole rather than treating diseased parts or organs. The physical, mental, emotional, social spheres of a person is considered for a permanent cure. This system believes that the diseases are caused due to the derangement of vital force in every individual. In a healthy state the vital force maintains the equilibrium of mind, body and soul. When the vital force gets affected there will be external manifestations in the form of illness. The imbalance in the body functions makes a shelter for foreign organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa etc) and allows them to proliferate and produce so called diseases. Homoeopathy believes that the real disease comes before the bacteria and viruses, hence the root cause of the disease has to be treated for a permanent cure.
More.......The Developement of Homeopathics